Period Recovery Game Planner


Can one guide really change the game? Actually, yes.

The Period Recovery Game Planner is your primary tool for figuring out WHY you have hypothalamic amenorrhea and what your next steps are going to be to treat it and get your period back.

This guide covers every foundational thing you need to have in place in order to recover AND most importantly, makes sure you’re not missing anything.

So grab a cup of tea and a snack, get comfortable and dive in to building your own hypothalamic recovery plan thanks to the guidance and tools inside of this planner.

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Can one guide really change the game? Actually, yes.

The Period Recovery Game Planner is your primary tool for figuring out WHY you have hypothalamic amenorrhea and what your next steps are going to be to treat it and get your period back.

This guide covers every foundational thing you need to have in place in order to recover AND most importantly, makes sure you’re not missing anything.

So grab a cup of tea and a snack, get comfortable and dive in to building your own hypothalamic recovery plan thanks to the guidance and tools inside of this planner.

Can one guide really change the game? Actually, yes.

The Period Recovery Game Planner is your primary tool for figuring out WHY you have hypothalamic amenorrhea and what your next steps are going to be to treat it and get your period back.

This guide covers every foundational thing you need to have in place in order to recover AND most importantly, makes sure you’re not missing anything.

So grab a cup of tea and a snack, get comfortable and dive in to building your own hypothalamic recovery plan thanks to the guidance and tools inside of this planner.

How This Planner Helps You

If you’ve ever thought “I don’t know if I’m eating enough” or “I wonder if my exercise is too much”…

If you’ve ever second guessed what you’re eating and whether or not your meals are properly “balanced” for recovery…

If you’re unsure if you’re really doing everything you can or if you’re subconsciously holding yourself back…

This planner will help you uncover those mysteries and provide CLARITY in your plan.

When you go through this planner, you’ll start to clearly see what’s working and what’s not.

The Planner will take you through a list of questions and exercises to help you start making sense of your scrambled thoughts and get focused on your actual goal - recovery.

Here’s what you can expect inside of this HA Recovery Game Planner:


First and foremost, get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Some of your internal rules and biases may be challenged here, so first you will start by re-writing that contract you have in your mind around work, exercise, food, relationships and stress.

Nutritional assessment and report

A big part of hypothalamic amenorrhea is nutrition: are you eating enough and what are you eating? We hold some of our biggest biases and are often in the most denial around this area – so let’s get very clear on what’s working and whats not.

You’ll take yourself through an assessment, be guided through writing a report on your nutrition and then have the clarity you need to make a plan around your eating for recovery.


One of the biggest challenges for many HA’ers is making changes to their exercise routine. You’re going to dive into this area and get clear on what’s not working right now and what you’re going to do about it: both tactically AND emotionally.

Life Stress

Asking someone to just stop being stressed about life? HA! Making changes to the stress that certain jobs, schedules and relationships cause us is no easy task.

This Planner will work through your life stressors and help you find some areas for relaxation that you didn’t know you had and that you didn’t know were even helpful for HA.

Tracking Progress

What’s the point of making tactical, strategic plans around resolving your missing period if you can’t even track whether or not you’re making progress? We’ll show you exactly how to know what’s working and what’s not.

Setting Timelines on Recovery

How long is long enough to wait? What’s a reasonable amount of time to expect results? All this and more in answered and you will set your own timelines on progress based on the guidance from the Planner as well as be able to track your progress inside of it.

What Happens Next?

Once you’re done with your first game plan, using the timelines you’ve set you’ll get to work and then use the planner to re-assess and make changes along the way.

This 30+ page guide is downloadable, digitally fillable OR totally printable. It’s completely up to you.

Period Recovery Game Planner
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