Head in to the holidays with us…

The Restore Your Fertility Program

Get your period back, optimize it and get pregnant

Enrollment is open December 3rd, 2024

We’re yet to see someone be right about their inability to reverse HA.

So why would you be the first person?

“Maybe I just can’t recover”

“I’ve already made a TON of changes…so um…hello?


We get how frustrating it is to feel like you’re doing the most and still not making progress.

The changes you’ve already made have been really helpful, but now you need to make it to the finish line.

We’re going to help you push past the plateau:

  • truly understand YOUR hypothalamic amenorrhea and YOUR fertility

  • so that you can identify the blindspots in your recovery that are holding you back

  • and develop the tools you need to recover and keep it that way

  • which makes it easy to prepare for conception

  • so that you and your body are ready for go-time

We cut out the fluff and help you get right to the juicy stuff: Why you have HA, how to identify and remove unhelpful food and exercise rules that are still secretly thriving, balance your blood sugar and establish new habits and routines that will actually serve you – all with the goal to help you get your period back, plan for conception and of course, get pregnant asap.


A simple plan that is customized to you and easy to follow.

Fertility needs are individual. All aspects of your health, nutrition and lifestyle will be taken in to account in this program.

Together we will develop a custom plan that is specific to your needs and goals.

All you need to do is follow the instructions.

Stop being consumed by the recovery process.

Do you think about this as soon as you wake up, every time you go to the bathroom and each time you eat? Thought so.

This group coaching helps you feel confident, stay on track and avoid the all of the doubt that you experience daily when you do this on your own.

Tangible evidence that you’re recovering.

Recovering is extra daunting when you’re just basing progress off whether or not you have a period…

With us, you’ll have real metrics to ensure that you’re on track. It’s easy to track progress, too! Way easier than twiddling your thumbs wondering if this is working or not.

Wait, who even are ya’ll?

Fair question. We’re Dani and Mishi

We help women just like you restore their missing periods, their body image and their love of life. It’s a great gig. You can learn more about us on the coaching page where we have bio’s.

Read what others experienced…


Ok let’s get this part out of the way first…

The program costs $770/usd

Buuut you probably have some questions first. Let’s be real.

In Preparation…

The HA to Pregnancy BOOTCAMP

Fast-track your recovery process and start planning for pregnancy!

In preparation for the opening of The Restore Your Fertility Group program in September, we’re putting together a valuable free bootcamp for you – the HA to Pregnancy Bootcamp.

We will cover:

  1. individualized reviews and feedback for you. YES, our team will personally look at your case.

  2. knowledge about what impacts ovulation

  3. tips on how to review your own nutrition and ensure you’re eating enough

  4. the common mistakes women often make during and post-recovery that slow down their time to success

  5. action steps instead of just hoping something magically changes without you having to change anything.

In this live fertility training I’m going to teach you what you need to know about each and every one of these aspects so that you can take your fertility in to your own hands.

  1. Yes it really works

We’ve been doing this work for a hot minute so you will not be our first rodeo.

2. and here’s how we do it in a nutshell

  • 10 Weeks of Pre-Recorded Modules

    Immediately upon enrollment you get access to all modules.

    Bring your notebooks and be prepared to be called out (with compassion) on your blindspots and given the tools to recover.

    These modules cover ALL relevant topics. And NO, it’s not just “you need to eat more!” - we dive in to the science of what’s happening underneath the hood to help you better understand this process.

  • Personal Food & Chart Views

    Throughout the program we offer food reviews and charting feedback.

    Food reviews give you the chance to get real feedback on what you’re eating to make sure it’s enough food, it’s frequent enough and that you’re actually going to recover with what you’re eating.

    Chart reviews allow us to track your fertility progress using basal body temp and mucus.

  • 1:1 Coaching Session

    Mid way through the program you’ll meet with a coach to make sure you’re on track.

    We will give you specific action items that are individual to you and ensure you have what you need to be successful.

    Prepare to be coached through your specific challenges! It might get heavy!

  • 10 Live Group Calls

    Bring your questions, charts and labs to the calls!

    To maximize time, the main lessons are pre-recorded so that we can spend an entire hour working through YOUR specific recovery, fertility and conception challenges.

3. A vibe for what the modules cover

Food, Exercise and Stress Science

Deep dive in to sexy topics like GnRH response, blood sugar balance and appropriate exercise programing so that you can debunk myths that have been leading you astray!

Ok maybe they’re not super sexy topics but they are very cool and you’ll be talking your partners ear off about all the cool things you learn.

Diet, Body Image, Control and Fertility Mindset

Uncover the diet rules that are keeping you stuck, figure out your true stressors and establish your new plan for recovery.

Mindset work involves audits of every area of your life…so be ready to face some hard truths that you’ve been potentially brushing under the rug.

Natural Pregnancy, Fertility treatments & HA VS PCOS

Would it be great to get pregnant naturally? Absolutely! Are you possibly a hot mess right now and you need to understand all of your options? Absolutely!

Navigate your fertility journey with the help of this program.

But just know… it’s not about modules.

Learning and extra lessons are great, that’s why we’ve made this information pre-recorded, designed to complete in your own time. There is so much juicy knowledge and so many game changing ideas for you to try… but the true magic is in the individualized plan and weekly coaching.

4. Bonus Program Content:

Important extras to make your life easier

Bonus 1. Group Support with The HA Society community for 1 year

Usually $299/year

which includes bonus modules and classes on:

  • Body image hypothalamic amenorrhea

    Body Image and Mindset

    With guest hosts such as Meg Doll, Courtney Berg and Mollie Birney.

  • Exercise and hypothalamic amenorrhea

    Exercise and HA

    Safely introduce exercise with expert guest lessons.

  • Lab testing for hypothalamic amenorrhea

    Understand Lab Testing

    All you need to know about lab testing, HRT and navigating the medical system thanks to industry pro’s like Holly Dunn and Kaely McDevitt.

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum Planning

    Resources from pregnancy experts on topics like breast feeding, postpartum recovery and more.

Bonus 2. The Period Recovery Game Planner which helps you audit and walk through your food and exercise habits! It’s specifically designed to make sure you don’t have any blindspots in recovery.

Usually $37

Bonus 3. Our FAM for HA’ers Course so that you can effectively use the fertility awareness method to guide your recovery progress and identify your fertile window for conception.

Usually $37

5. Restore Price: $770/usd

Bonus content value: $373

Special Bundle: Restore + HHAP Program: $2,500

The Holistic HA Practitioner Certification is our coaching program that gives you the knowledge, experience, and credentials to become an HA coach when you’re ready.

Many women going through the recovery process request this bundle so they can further their own learning and make their mess their message down the track (just like we did)

6. Your Commitment Requirements…

Your commitment to effectively reach your recovery and fertility goals will require only 1 hour per week to meet with the group. Then you’ll just go out in to the real world and implement the changes.

Our commitment to you is that we will listen, guide, help, encourage and teach you with compassion and real talk.

More proof that we know our stuff and care deeply about our clients

Again, I can’t say enough how joining the program has completely changed my life and mindset. It’s like I was riding a bike without a chain, trying all of the things but stuck until I found you and the HA society!”
- Melody, Restore Group Coaching client!

“I was afraid to share this sooner as I thought I might wake up from a dream, but I got my first recovery period on Tuesday! I haven’t had a true, natural period since before I went on birth control in high school, so this is a major victory! I honestly didn’t think it would happen this quickly, but I am so glad it did. Keep the faith, keep fighting, and think positively about yourself and your potential if you stay on this journey. I know with certainty I wouldn’t have been able to do it without this community, so thank you for all the advice, experiences, and support!”
- Amanda

“Working with Dani and Mishi in the Restore Program has transformed the trajectory of my life in amazing ways. I struggled to address that I needed to change my lifestyle, and this was finally the push that I needed. I never once felt judged or looked down upon, instead, I have been greeted with nothing but kindness and love from every member of the HA Society. As a young woman in my 20s, I feel that I have made the investment of a lifetime. Not only do I have my period back, but I am now equipped with the knowledge of how to understand my cycle and support a lifestyle that is truly healthy. This journey has been one of the hardest things I have ever gone through, and I am so thankful that the amazing women of the HA Society had my back!”

“I really can’t thank you enough for all of this. For sharing with me the TRUTH, for the challenging questions, for having enough confidence for the both of us. Of the 7 years of work I’ve done on this thus far, this 10 weeks has been by far the most transformative, regardless of the pregnancy.”

ha recovery
ha recovery


Will this work for my timezone?

Usually the groups are at 9.30am CT and 3.30pm CT, typically on Wednesdays. It’s flexible if most of the group needs it to change.

All of the calls are recorded and you can pre-submit questions for those calls if you’re unable to join live.

Will this be a really strict program?

Each person has individual goals they are reaching for that some others may not be reaching for. Yes, we will challenge you to ensure that you actually see change and improvements but not to the extent that you become uncomfortable and don't want to move forward at all. In the program, each persons recommendations will be based on their specific needs and where they are at mentally and emotionally.

If I’m not trying to get pregnant is this program still good for me?

Absolutely. Think of it this way: if your body is primed and ready to make a baby, you’re in good starting place hormonally! This program focuses on recovery and fertility nutrition to prep women’s bodies for a baby. There will be no forcing you to make a baby :P That part is wayyy out of our control.